A földi élet fenntarthatóságának kérdései
A földi élet fenntarthatóságának kérdései
Sustainability means meeting current human needs while preserving the environment and natural resources essential to future generations.The lecture reviews some issues related to sustainability including ozone depletion, global warming, the possibility of rapid climate change and difficulty in energy supplies. An international consensus has developed over the past decades regarding the importance of sustainability and the responsibilities related to it. However, a limited number of measures or adjustments in the operation of industry, agriculture, transport and energy production are not sufficient, comprehensive transformations in all these areas are required in order to ensure the sustainable satisfaction of actual needs. The rate at which resources are utilised, the deterioration of the environment and the growth in economic inequalities cannot be sustained any further. During the 21st century human society must forge a new relationship with the natural world. We have to stop wasting and swiftly using up the resources of the Earth and we must begin to function in a more rational and sustainable way.