Infarktus és koleszterin
Infarktus és koleszterin
In civilised societies the leading causes of death are illnesses that develop as a result of arteriosclerosis. The most important among these is myocardial infarction. Infarction is an attack affecting the heart resulting in a life threatening condition. One of the arteries supplying the tissues of the myocardium suddenly becomes blocked, most commonly due to a stricture caused by arteriosclerosis. Cholesterol is a sterane structured compound belonging to the group of lipids. It is an essential component for all organisms: it ensures the flexibility of all cell membranes. It is the base of several hormones. The hormones of the adrenal cortex and the sexual hormones are formed mainly from cholesterol. Controlling the cholesterol content of food and via internal synthesis can reduce the level of cholesterol. The Mediterranean diet (rich in pasta made of durum flour, fish and olive oil) contains a fraction of the cholesterol found in the Northern-type diets rich in animal fats. Reduced cholesterol levels achieved both by diets and medication clearly reduce arteriosclerosis.