A mindentudó fénysugár, a lézer
A mindentudó fénysugár, a lézer
Zsolt Bor, member of HAS, discussed what he called the omniscient beam of light: the laser. He showed common household and special applications of lasers such as CD players, barcode scanners, police speed cameras, and telecommunication and Internet networks. Lasers are used to produce consumer goods such as razor blades, filter cigarettes, computer processors and cell phones. Additionally, lasers may be used to trim sheep, lift your face, analyze blood samples and treat ulcerous wounds. The omniscient laser beam is the bandmaster of all nuclear clocks of the world, the ignitier of the thermonuclear power plant (which is hoped to provide unlimited clean energy), the destructive light of space weapons, and the interrogator of the Shroud of Turin. Naturally, medical applications are of enormous importance, given that laser eye surgery may one day lead to supervision.