Genetikai időutazás- az emberi populációk eredetének nyomában
Genetikai időutazás- az emberi populációk eredetének nyomában
The revolution of genetics has led to a transformation in the research into the history of our race. In addition to the examination of blood groups, enzymes and antigens, today certain DNA sections are used to establish the differences or similarities between various populations. Of the wide range of genetic methods, the lecture places emphasis on the analysis of DNA of the so-called mitochondria, the cell particle solely inheritable from the mother as it functions as reliable molecular evolutionary clock. For example, based on the examination of a characteristic section of mitochondrial DNA, all living women can be traced back to a single origin. This source is the mitochondrial 'Eve', who lived in Africa some 150,000-200,000 years ago. By tracing the inheritance of the Y-chromosomes heritable from the father, the paternal inheritance line of populations can also be traced back to one African 'Adam'. The principal message of the lecture is that genetic research brings to an end racist genetic theories. The data of the Human Genome Programme clearly support the conclusion of past research that people cannot be divided into races on genetic grounds.