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Akciók és szankciók az agykéregben


Akciók és szankciók az agykéregben

The neurons of the cerebral cortex increase or decrease the activity of their counterparts by issuing signals. Many thousand stimulating or inhibiting signals may reach the nerve cells per second, yet they are able to make order of this information torrent. This lecture introduces the signal processing rules of the cortex through the function of a unique neuron type discovered as a result of work by Hungarian researchers.

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Mindentudás Egyeteme

Medical sciences, Neurosurgery, Neurobiology, Neurochemistry, Neurology, Neurophysiology, Neuroinformatics

tudósok előadásai

Dr. Gábor Tamás (lecturer)


26 March, 2007

Marianna Nagy

14 May, 2014

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