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A nemek kialakulásának zavarai az emberben


A nemek kialakulásának zavarai az emberben

The inter-sexual, mixed sex state has long been known, even portrayed in Antiquity. The phenomenon is caused by genetic faults in the embryonic stage. Thanks to genetic tests, most inter-sexual conditions can be diagnosed early and with the involvement of experts, the planning of a therapy and the form and timing of possible surgery can begin. Inter-sexuality is not only a physical but also a psychological condition. In dealing with these conditions, psychological input must complement any surgical correction. We can view the sexual status of a human being from a number of aspects, defined by various factors, chromosomal, hormonal, external signs, conscious and social elements. In the therapy of inter-sexual individuals one of the most important questions is the choice of the sex desired, since this is the basis of healthy sexual development. This decision must be made as soon as possible in light of the precise diagnosis. It is a great medical achievement that inter-sexuals, who earlier bore the physical and psychological burden of their condition throughout their lives, can lead a normal and full life after well-planned and well-implemented therapy. It is possible that in the future surgery will not even be necessary, the disorder will instead be corrected with targeted gene therapy in the early phase of embryonic development. 

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Mindentudás Egyeteme

Medical sciences, Pediatrics, Genetics, Medical genetics

tudósok előadásai

Dr. Antal Borsos (lecturer)


5 April, 2004

Marianna Nagy

7 May, 2014

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