Állam ,nemzet, nép
Állam ,nemzet, nép
The lecture will explore the interrelationship between the changes having occurred in the meaning of the three historical terms mentioned in the title and the corresponding authentic social facts - primarily in the context of the history of Hungary in the 19-20th centuries. There are some lucky countries where some sort of unity of the people, of the nation and of the state has taken shape already. In Central and Eastern Europe this was not the case and this led to illusions regarding the independence of the nation-state and to severe conflicts between nations, nationalities and countries. The political nation does not always cover what we call a nation: more and more, the modern concept of the nation covers a common language and common culture. Hungarian society proved especially successful in the assimilation of different groups (Germans and Jews). Since 1945, the words "nation" and "people" have become closer and closer in meaning, and this trend continues: within the framework of the European Union, a healthy development of Hungarian self-respect and self-awareness has become an increasingly needed driving force of society.