Miért baj a cukorbaj?
Miért baj a cukorbaj?
Diabetes is a problem not just for the person affected, but is also a burden also for the healthcare provider network, and ultimately for the whole society. The number of diabetic patients and the relative incidence of diabetes are currently at a high level. In Hungary only estimated figures are available, but according to widely accepted data it is known that 5-6% of the Hungarian population suffer from diabetes. During the chronic disease-process of diabetes, certain small vessel and large vessel complications may develop, which can significantly impair the quality of health of the patients, as a consequence of possible vision impair, kidney function disorder, nervous system complications, or clinical symptoms originating from atherosclerosis (myocardial infarction, stroke, peripheral artery diseases). The 85-year-long clinical application of insulin for the treatment of diabetes has brought about enormous developments. The first variation of alternative methods to administer insulin, the so-called inhalation insulin will soon be an available method of treatment in Hungary, too.